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Westminster Abbey Choir
School Governors
- Very Rev Dr Wesley Carr - Dean
of Westminster - Chairman
- Rev Tom Wright - Canon of Westminster
- Rev Robert Wright - Canon of Westminster
- Rev David Hutt - Canon of Westminster
- Rev Michael Middleton - Canon
of Westminster
- Anthony Little - appointed by
Dean & Chapter, currently Headmaster of Oakham School - newly appointed
Head Master of Eton from Sept 2002
- Edward Smith - teacher governor
appointed by Dean & Chapter - not elected, currently Under Master Westminster
- Christopher Evers - appointed
by Dean & Chapter, formerly Headmaster of Cheam Hawtreys School
- Rosemary Nelson - appointed by
Dean & Chapter, not elected - Parent governor to Nov 2000
- Vicky Sheen - appointed by Dean
& Chapter, not elected - Parent governor since Nov 2000
- Elizabeth Lascelles - appointed
by Dean and Chapter - former parent
- James O'Donnell - Organist - Ex-officio
- Rev Dominic Fenton - Minor Canon
- Precentor - Ex-officio governor
- Choir School Headmaster - Ex-officio
- Michael Carson - Clerk to Governing
body and Choir School Bursar
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